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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Seattle Traffic

I spent Christmas with my parents in Edmonds and Lynwood, WA. Crazy, I am home in the beautiful city of Edmonds, WA and love it! Yet I must say as everything else is wonderful, the most shocking change since coming home is the traffic. Now, I've lived in more states and cities than I would like to say and feel all the right to say what I will say...
What has happened to the drivers in Seattle?! You all have been morphed into the Californians that have all moved here. And although I am guilty of 'Californian Stops' I know that a red light does not mean go faster-that would be yellow. It's like the East Coast has plopped itself down into lovely, polite Seattle and now the intersections are full of people who are content to sit in the middle of intersections pretending that they are not being yelled at by the people who have the right to go. Come on...In the city where you would almost never hear a car honk, I was amazed at show much I heard when I was downtown seeing the Nutcracker. With all this seen and heard, I asked my Father if this was normal or just abnoral holiday traffic. -'normal' says him.
So, I will let go of my amazment, shock and let go of my feelings. I live in Portland and the traffic in Seattle does not effect me. So I can say fully- I myself cannot fix Seattle. Yet I can do the one thing I can think of when I'm here-to not drive unless I have to. Yikes.

1 comment:

sinjin said...

i remeber when traffic wasn't bad and people were polite. not so. portland traffic is much better, i suppose. let's face it, the area between seattle and everett was overrun with califonians, and we all know what that entitles (badness).