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Monday, January 08, 2007

Random Post

Can I tell you how hard it is to get back into the rutine of working?! Sure, I asked for a job and wanted to get out of the's just so hard to get out of bed SO early. Today I am working only 6 hours, but I am dreading it too, horrible. I am a weenie in this department, however I pray that as I increase my hours of work my energy and motivation level will increase.
On another note, Travis and I are babysitting for some friends of ours- the Hopkins. Two little girls will be fun, but I think it will be nice to pretend and then give them back. :) It will be interesting seeing how Travis is with the girls when it's just the two of us, and they're both screaming. He's been wonderful i'm not expecting any disasters.

Archery lessons...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can do it!!!