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Saturday, January 27, 2007


So I've been reading this book called, " TrueFaced" and it's rocking my world. Early in the morning this past Friday I wrote my gifts down-in case I freaked out and became insecure in what God put in me. Later that day, I got this book from Kerstin and it's all about putting on masks and finding out who you truly are. So I'm so glad I had written who I am and who God made me to be down earlier that morning because I would have freaked out for sure and second guess my gifts and who I am.
This book, though is a MUST read for everyone who is breathing. It challenges you and makes you reevaluate your motives behind your actions. Through this book, I have found that I have a mask that matches my clothes. If I am to go to work, I put my 'professional' mask on along with my slacks. Or if I want to been seen, then I put on my confident mask. CRAP! Man, I was amazed because I didn't even know I was doing this. I am thankful however, to come to this realization and am now striving to be me when getting ready in the morning and also throughout the day.


creativity said...

I am happy with you about this decision, coz I like the REAL and TRUFACED Alexis the best anyway!!
You rock!
Luv ya
little lamb

What's book called and who's the author?

Kerstin Sunshine said...

AMEN, I knew it was good, I am gald you have not only enjoyed but but I am also glad how God is speaking thru that book to u. God is Sovereign amen?
your friend, always.

Kerstin Sunshine said...

what is your true face today cherished friend? I love you dearly and am glad to see you true face meaning that you let me see it! be blessed this season of your life and be protected!