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Monday, April 02, 2007


I was thinking this morning about relationships in my life. Different kinds, mostly healthy-yet still too shallow for me. I had to write a short list of the people who really want to know me. And I mean really. Most people ask me, “Oh Alexis, how are you?” I might say life is going well or I might voice my frustrations with work or whatever, but most everyone are satisfied with that small bit of knowledge. They don’t ever ask me what God is doing in my life or what things God has been convicting me of recently. I would love those conversations! And the more I think about it, I think others would like them too.
I have a small group of girls I ask these questions to…but I would like to widen my circle and ask more people those challenging questions. It is almost depressing thinking about the last time someone asked me how I was really doing- and then listened!
Well, it starts with me. I will talk to girls and ask them those hard and sometimes uncomfortable questions.


Anonymous said...

I apologise for not being deeper.

creativity said...

Hey my friend, how are you? I really mean it! What's God been teaching you and where is He challenging you? Which struggles are you fighting with and which victories are you celebrating?
Let me be your listening ear, or better reading eye :9) Looking forward to receive a mail from ya! lol

Kerstin Sunshine said...