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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Scrambled Eggs

We had cereal,scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast yesterday and meat, cheese, tomatoes and tea for breakfast today. It was wonderful. I know some people have this perspective that Poland is grey and dingy. Not true at all. There are flowers everywhere, the countryside is breathtaking and the people are always looking out for you. I am attaching a picture of Emma and I on the airplane and along with Travis ( who is sick right now), Charis and Brandon.
Corey and Jenise are on there way and are in Vienna. It will be wonderful to have them as part of the team here- it will finally be complete. But we are having a great time here and we're having a great time together. Aris, went to connect/minister with some Germans at a jazz concert. (which is something only Aris can do) And Trav and I are talking and hanging with our hosts (the pastors of a church here in Krakow) and guess what?! The wife- Goshia-- took Polish sign language and still has a passion for it ad so her and I went crazy about the differences of ASL and PSL and we decided that when we move to Krakow, we want to take a course at the university. The deaf in Poland are not reached at all and if you let that sink's unsettling. They are the victim of many abuses because they do not have a voice here. So, that will change in the future. I am SO excited about this and about connecting with another women who has a similar excitement.
You can be praying for our team- nearly everyone has thrown up and Trav is wishing he could right now, just to feel better. :( Oh, however Emma is healthy and such an amazing traveling companion. :)

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