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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Carrots and Green beans

I am not one of those moms that must give their baby bottled water or one that sanitizes everything in sight. I do however believe in trying my best in feeding my little girl a healthy assortment of foods. Emma is about 11 months old and eats all kinds of foods. She's in the middle of the transition stage and still eats mushed food ( hurrah for prunes!) as well as solid foods like cheerios. For about 4 months I have been making my own baby food. Which only means pureed carrots and green beans. This picture is an example of my carrots. It's been nice that I've been getting organic veggies and have been able to make them for her. After they're mushed I freeze them into the cubes in ice trays. For a typical feeding, I take 2 cubes and mix it with baby cereal. After she scarfs this she gets some pieces of bananas, apple or cheerios.

I am so proud of her and can't believe she is so old!

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