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Thursday, July 30, 2009


It's Thursday and that means that the contest is over! Sorry for those of you who are coming here today, I'll give away something bigger next time. But today my sister is going to go through ALL the entries and pick one- a hard job. Tomorrow the winner will be announced! So make sure to come by and see if your name will be in BOLD!

Monday, I was at Safeway buying the only thing that would save me on a hot 107` F Portland day- ice cream. While in the check out lane, there was a chatty man who talked to the whole line about his plans of making yummy chocolate ice cream out of the heavy cream he was buying. My mouth started to water at that point. He also had homemade Ratatouille in the oven AND they had spent all day pressing and filling ravioli's. OK, people this was ALL FROM SCRATCH! I was impressed to say the least and was almost tempted to think of what I could make from scratch that night. Almost. Stepping out into the heat wall that greeted me was a reminder that all things cold and fast was on our menu for this week.

If I couldn't be creative in the kitchen at least I could be somewhat creative with my camera. So below are some photos of random things around my house. First because I think you will like them, and secondly because it is a crime to post a blog entry without pictures.

Hot Tamales are my favorite right now
(maybe a representation of our weather recently)

Spaghetti noodle and baby feet. And even cuter, painted baby toe nails

Our last name made cutsie-not too girly with blue and green...I hope

I have a friend who gave me tons of Asian plums from her front yard!
Totally new to me, they are ripe when they turn yellow and are slightly squishy.

A necklace made from all the little extras I had around
my 'creative studio' (messiest room in the whole house)

1 comment:

Melissa K. said...

I love that necklace! I think it is my favorite that you have done.
I am so glad that I am not the only one that paints my childs fingers and toes! (I get dirty looks for it sometimes.)