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Sunday, December 31, 2006


I have been a Christian for my whole life basically, and one of the pillars you learn is to journal every day. It is usually about what you read about in the Bible or what God has taught you that day or whatever. I truly believe it is one of the most important principals we should follow, but I realized something about how I journal...
I was sitting at church during our college group and a girl was speaking about what she learned this past year. Some of it was silly but most had quite a bit of wisdom. It was during this message, that she spoke about quiet times and journaling. She said she observed that as she read this past years journal, she read a ton about her...but not much about Jesus. I realized I am the same way- I might talk about the struggles I am going through, or maybe the gifts God has given me or the words spoken to me about, me, me. I hate it- and I can't believe it has taken this long to realize it. And this...realization, has leaked into other parts of my life. For example praying. I pray a lot about me or others and not so much about the wonders of Christ or the mysteries. Instead I find myself thanking God for loving me... and that is good, don't get me wrong. One might want to reevaluate their prayer life when it is the majority of what one might be praying. Why do we not love to pray about the awesomeness of God?
I am shocked daily at how selfish I am and am learning how to pray for it. I now, ask God for forgiveness for my selfishness, ask God to grow humbleness in this area of my life and then begin to praise Him. The bible says that whatever we ask of Him will be answered- as long as it correlates with His will. I then might sing a worship song or two, but then I have to let it go. I have to force myself to not beat myself up over anything or continue to complain to God about how horrible I am...and talk His ears off for sure! So, if you want to call it one, my new years resolution is to maintain my focus on Jesus and, more specifically, write in my journal 80% of the goodness of Christ and the 20% of me.

1 comment:

Kerstin Sunshine said...

This one is a good one Ma'am! Much wisdom in your words! I have realized the same thing 2 days ago while praying with Abby! To God be the glory!!! K