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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mary the Mother of Jesus

I am to do a signing/dancing thing this weekend for our church Christmas Eve service. It is a huge honor to be asked, yet I find that since many people will be inpacted by my performance- I am constantly under the enemy's fire. And last night I felt like I should be reading about Mary, seeing that I'm being her this weekend. So I read a passage out of Luke this morning and was encouraged. She was a very strong and faithful woman. I can only pray that I do a great job and truely show her resilience. You all will be able to see the service on the internet on the church's website. That's me dancing!


Kerstin Sunshine said...

hey Mary, my blog would love to be commented on from you, dancing signing Mary :) you were awesome and I speak against any performance drivvenness, MAy HIS Spirit work thu you again and again!

Anonymous said...

And you were awesome. I couldn't have been prouder.
Love you,