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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Prayer Request

I have no time to write, because I have to go to church...but i wanted to post a prayer request.
I am having a hard time here. And when I say here, I mean in Gresham. I know God put us here and I am happy about it but I WANT TO BE IN POLAND! I am tired of being here. I need patience and love for my time here.
Thnak you.

I SO want to be in Krakow.


Anonymous said...

Well... How about getting out of town for a weekend... OH WAIT!!! You are!!! I hope that this little get away gives you a refreshed look on things.... Oh and if you need a vehicle to get around in let me know and Travis can take my truck to work and you take the car. Not all the time but once In a while of you need a get away out of Gresham.

Kerstin Sunshine said...

you have been on my heart and yes I am praying for you taht you are able to seix\ze the moment, able to take what God has for you nOW although you are in Gresham, I pray for a change of heart ONLY God can perform! be protected from bitterness and w-questions such as WHY...WHEN etc!

creativity said...

Hey Dear,
I know how it feels like to be in this waiting period...and wish I could go to Poland myself in a few days... .
May God's peace be with you.
You are in a good place!