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Monday, March 05, 2007


People are important. I'm really learning this, because it is hard for me to stay in the mindset of always caring for people. I am selfish and sometimes really just...not nice. This is the real me sometimes. However, I am really stunned at how patient God is with me and how He is slowly showing me how much He loves others. And the amazing thing is that I am starting to love people more too! This is amazing! So often I would pray for His heart. I want to love others like He loved them. The sacrificial love, I desire that. And slowly I am turning from my selfish ways and I am thanking God everyday.

Thank you God for loving me enough to stick with a selfish not nice person. I thank you Jesus for your example with how to show God's love to others. Please mold my heart into the shape of yours. Amen.


MARÍA said...

Ditto dat girlfriend!

creativity said...

Hi Alexis ,
can't wait to see you either.
Stephi is still without the e at the end.
Luv ya