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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Russian Blog-read it!

Hello all... all 5 of you.:) I have come across something that I think you would enjoy. I was looking through my wallet today throwing out receipts (don't tell Travis) and I came across this torn piece of paper with a blog written on it. I then remembered who's it was- a Russian missionary who is our age (25ish) and as I read her blog...I became excited and impatient for Poland. She talked about living in a shame based culture,eating pickle soup and experiencing harsh winters. All of these made me smile as pictures of southern Poland came back.
I did not feel comfortable visiting the first time I went. But it got better the next time. And the next time. And the next time. Now, where I'm at...I am so hungry for Polish people, (lol, that sounds funny) that I'm go to Polish Catholic church on Saturdays. Ok, no I'm not Catholic but does that mean I can't hang with them? I enjoy the tradition (even though some is a bit off) and I enjoy who they are. I admire the tough spirit they have and the dedication they have for themselves.
Getting back to this blog I found. She is named Jenni and is from Portland. I met her at a cafe when we were at a missions meeting. Since we were both passionate for Eastern Europe we had a lot to talk about. Her blog is wonderful and has many pictures of orphan kids, who she teaches english to. I linked to her at the bottom right hand side of my blog. Enjoy!

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