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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Super Mom? Me? Well OK.

OK so yeah I feel a little smug today.
I cleaned our home from top to bottom.
Packed the car for our trip to Grandma's
house, laundry (and if you know me-I hate laundry), cleaned up BOTH of Emma's blow-outs, set up my Etsy account, did e-mails, vacuumed, cleaned the dishes, packed my grandparent's Christmas presents, dusted and even made a snack for the ride to Seattle tonight. I cleaned the litter box, played with Emma and had a girl-friend over. I did the garbage, took out Emma's cloth diapers and oh yeah- took a 20-30 min. shower.
*You may applaud now.

1 comment:

Melissa K. said...

Alexis your page is absolutely beautiful!