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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Christmas...where did you go?

I am one of those people who begin listening to "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" in August. Sick I know. I am also a person who dreams of extra hot non-fat gingerbread lattes. Yum...I anticipate the holiday season and all it's crystaly charm that comes with it. I always pray for a white Christmas and instead of giving them to me- He's sending me to it. (Poland) Through all this, Christmas is here and for some reason it doesn't 'feel' like the holiday season. I feel like I got 'jipped'. It doesn't help that it as sunny yesterday and that it's not that cold either. It might help if I take out all the decorations and make our home festive.
We're having a Christmas party at our house this Sunday and I'm really excited. Good friends, good food and great Christmas carols. :) Oh, did I mention our amazing tree this year? I'll have to be sure to post some pictures.

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