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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Handmade goodies

I bet you have facebook. I do too. And a while back, I was tagged in doing a pay it forward thing. But with creative terms. They were that the first 5 people to comment to that note would get a handmade thing from me. There is no time line though and I can give it whenever I want. I can also make whatever I want- no rules. So, I made my first handmade present. It's to a mom who goes to my church and is wonderful. She is simple and sweet. Just like the earrings I made her. Easy for everyday wear. And with the holidays coming (is it sick I'm already thinking about that?) I'm sure they will match many outfits.

3 blank handmade thank you cards

she actually makes time to nap EVERYDAY! I can learn a lot about her time managment. And with 2 kids too! I thought she could expand and maybe take a bubble bath in the cold winter months.

again with the pampering. you can't get too much of it-ever.

and wrapped up in a candle holder. cat not included ;)

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