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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Off to Grandma's house we go!

This past weekend our family (holy crap I have my own family!) went to Port Angeles to visit my Oma and Opa, it was his 84th birthday. They had not seen Emma either so it was a double treat.
Wow were there were times when I watched my family interact and saw it as crazy-ness.
Whoever had either the loudest voice or strongest opinion was the one whom everyone listened to. There was not such a thing as a quiet moment this past weekend. My Oma made all my favorite dishes and I ate like a horse; the bad thing is that I watched her make all the food so now I can make them myself! I would love to make dinner for whomever and use them as my 'Ginny pig taster'...:)
Even though it took a little more than 5 hours to get there, the mattress kept leaking air and Emma had a hard time relaxing, we had a blast! As we were leaving I was 'helping' Travis put things in the car and Trav made the observation, "You just sounded like your Oma!" and I smiled and said 'thank you'.
I'm not sure it was a compliment though...
As we pulled into our garage Trav and I breathed a sigh- there is nothing like coming home.
And because I didn't have to make one meal, clean one plate or even change all of Emma's diapers- today I cleaned the house from top to bottom. It's amazing how recharged I feel.
Tonight's agenda?- watch P.S. I Love You and eat left overs my Oma sent back with us.

.....And roast marsh mellows over candles :) Nothing beats smores. ...well perhaps chocolate fondue.


Kerstin Sunshine said...

Alexis, can I be your first GINNY PIG TESTER? I would looooove to, I can be there any time (LOL) just let me know then I pack my back, whistle for my favourite flying eagle to visit yoru house IN A HEARTBEAT :)

Kerstin Sunshine said...

hahahah, do yo remember the smores we made and ate at the intern house pretty much 4 years ago in our first year? can send you a funny pic of it :)